Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario leadership election, 2004

Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario leadership election, 2004
Date September 18, 2004
Convention Toronto, Ontario
to replace
Ernie Eves
Won by John Tory
Ballots 2
Candidates 3
Entrance Fee ?
Spending limit $1 million

Ontario Progressive Conservative leadership conventions

1920, 1936, 1938, 1949, 1961, 1971, 1985, 1990, 2002, 2004, 2009

On January 23, 2004, the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario leader Ernie Eves announced his intention to step down as leader before the fall of 2004. Eves was elected party leader in the party's 2002 leadership election, and became Premier of Ontario. He led the party to defeat in the 2003 provincial election.

Under the Ontario PC Party Constitution, a leadership election could not be called until Eves submitted a formal request to the Party Executive. He did not do so until June, and a few days later, on June 13, the Party Executive called a leadership election for September 18, 2004. The leadership vote was won by John Tory with approximately 54% of the vote on the second ballot.



Proposed candidates who did not run


The first of three candidates' debates occurred in Ottawa on July 26. The second debate occurred in Sudbury on August 17. The final debate was held in London, Ontario on August 30. While the third debate was a restrained affair the first two were marked by clashes between Flaherty and Tory as Flaherty accused his rival of not being a real conservative and being out of touch and elitest.

Final candidate speeches were made at the convention in Toronto on September 17. Flaherty made the unusual decision to actually deliver his speech in his home town of Whitby and have it broadcast live to the convention. This was criticized as being "gimmicky" and reminiscent of the disastrous Magna budget as well as demonstrating a hostility to Toronto. The criticisms of Flaherty's decision overshadowed the contents of his speech.


Flaherty's campaign was strongly critical of outgoing leader Ernie Eves accusing him of abandoning the "Common Sense Revolution" and arguing for a return to the policies of Mike Harris. A social conservative, Flaherty was perceived to be in favour of taking the party into a more right wing direction on social issues but said little of this during the actual campaign. John Tory's campaign hearkened back to the party's success under Bill Davis and argued that Ontarians were tired of divisiveness and polarization and that a more moderate direction was needed if the party was to succeed.

Tory, a former candidate for Mayor of Toronto, also emphasised the importance of urban issues and appealing to residents of Ontario's largest city which had shut the Tories out in the 2003 provincial election. He also argued against the privatization of crown corporations such as the Liquor Control Board of Ontario, which had been advocated by his rivals. Klees ran as a grassroots candidate, arguing that the party had been the captive of unelected backroom consultants during the Harris and Eves years and had cut off not only party members but backbench MPPs.

Klees ran as a defender of the Common Sense Revolution but, unlike Flaherty, was not seen as a social conservative. He was the only candidate to argue in favour of "two tier" health care and privatization within medicare.


The Ontario Progressive Conservatives use a system similar to that used by the federal Conservative Party of Canada in its leadership election. Each provincial riding association has up to 100 Electoral Votes that will be allocated among the candidates by proportional representation according to the votes cast by party members within the riding. This is not a pure "one member one vote" system since each riding generally has equal weight. (Ridings with fewer than 100 voting party members are allocated one Electoral Vote per voting member; ridings with 100 or more voting party members are allocated 100 Electoral Votes.)

This system is designed to favour candidates who can win support across the province and win in a majority of ridings. This replicates what is necessary for a party to win a general election - though without the "first past the post" feature of elections under the Westminster system. The party will use a preferential ballot on which voters rank their choices. If no candidate wins a majority of Electoral Votes, then the third-place candidate is eliminated, and his votes are redistributed according to second-choice rankings.

Members could only vote in person on September 18, or at the September 13 advance poll, or by proxy. Mail-in, phone-in and Internet voting are not permitted. Only party members in good standing as of 6:00 p.m., EDT, August 7, 2004, were be eligible to vote. According to the party, there were 61,104 eligible voters, only 25,323 of whom cast ballots for a turnout of 41.4%.

Party president Blair McCreadie announced that candidates would be under a spending cap of $1 million, which is less than the $1.5 million permitted in the last leadership contest.

The leadership election was administered by an impartial Leadership Election Committee chaired by McCreadie and co-chaired by MPP Julia Munro. The Chief Election Officer was Tom Barlow. There were four Deputy Chief Election Officers: Janet Carwardine, Barbara Cowieson, Murna Dalton and Allan Williams.


Voting took place from 9am to 2pm. The first ballot results were announced shortly after 8pm. The second ballot results were announced shortly after 11:30 pm.

First Ballot

5,039 electoral votes needed to win

Second Ballot

5,028 electoral votes needed to win

See also